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Family violence Support Services

Somali Women Development Association Inc. provides a wide range of services around domestic and family violence to support women and women with children impacted from African Heritage.

We play an important role in reducing family and domestic violence abuse at all levels in our community.

Where to get help In case of immediate danger call 000 for Police assistance

Whatever your situation, it is important to know that help and support are available. Everyone deserves to feel safe and free from harm.

We understand that experiencing family violence can be frightening and isolating.

We offer support and referral   for women refuge, women and children’s  support services incl. counselling, casework and group work, men’s behavioral programs, accommodation and advice to women and women with children who are experiencing, or who have experienced, family violence.

SWDA is committed to provide services that are inclusive appropriate culturally sensitive approach to people of all genders, ages, people living with a disability, from refugees and migrant African heritage.

If you are facing violence in your home, feel threatened, or are at risk in any physical or emotional way, or if you know of someone who is, we are here for you. Please, call on 03 859677651 or 0432231141 or send an email: admin@swdai.org.au

Family Relationships advice Support Services.

Somali Women Development Association Inc. programs aim to provide integrated services for families particularly vulnerable and disadvantaged families from refugees and migrants from African backgrounds to improve child well-being and development, safety, and family functioning. We do this through relationship advice, mediation and family counselling, case work, support, education, and advocacy.

Somali Women Development Association Inc. family counselling aims to build the resilience and functioning of parents and families. We want to assist you to manage any issues arising from personal and relationship changes. functioning. If you are interested this program, please, call on 03 859677651 or 0432231141 or send an email: admin@swdai.org.au